Our Programs
We offer all of our Club kids an array of fun and educational programs as part of the flat membership fee. Our targeted programs offer young people new opportunities to learn and grow. We nurture our member’s individual strengths, helping them to succeed inside and outside of the Club. Read about the programs below and inquire at your Club to see what specific programs they offer.
Academic Programs
We provide support to kids to help them with their school work and prepare them for their future. We engage children in fun, hands-on activities to practice and learn reading, writing, speaking, math and scientific inquiry.

Digital Arts
Teaches club members ages 6-18 how to create computer-generated art. Club members aged 10-18 are invited to submit their artwork to the annual Club Tech Digital Arts Festivals, celebrating members’ creativity in graphic design, photo illustration, digital music composition animation and video production.

DramaMatters Afterschool is a drama education program for Clubs that encourages members ages 6 to 18 to engage in hands-on activities. Drama education builds self-confidence, sparks creativity and boosts academic achievement.

Club members ages 6-18 learn and practice black-and-white, color, digital and alternative process photography.

National Fine Arts
This year-round program encourages artistic expression among Club members ages 6 to 18 through drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, mixed media and sculpture displayed at local and regional exhibits.

Project Learn
Creates opportunities for high yield learn activities, which include leisure reading, writing activities, discussion with knowledgeable adults, helping others, homework help, tutoring and games, that develop young people’s cognitive skills.

Power Hour
Provides practical tips and best practices for recognition and incentives, behavior management, volunteer recruitment and training, collaboration with other organizations and use of technology and the Internet.

Club Tech
Builds member’s computer skills, most importantly teaching young people to develop technology skills necessary to succeed in school and the job market.

Junior Staff
It assists Club members ages 13-18 in exploring a career in youth or human services, mainly in their local Club. Club members discover the importance of community service, building customer service skills and completing a Club apprenticeship.
Good Character & Citizenship
These programs help youth become responsible, caring citizens and acquire skills to participate the democratic process. Program participants also develop leadership skills and gain opportunities for planning, decision-making, contributing to Club and community and celebrating our national heritage.

Youth of the Year
Is the premier recognition program for Club members, promoting service to the Club; community and family; academic success; strong moral character, life goals; and poise and public speaking ability. Clubs recognize members ages 14-18 as Youth of the Month winners and select a YOY, who then participates in state competitions.

Career Launch
CareerLaunch prepares teens for the world of careers and work. Through CareerLaunch, Club teens 13-18 years old embark on a journey to explore possible vocations, make sound educational decisions and find success in the world of work.

Torch Club
A small-group leadership and service club for boys and girls ages 11-13. A Torch Club is a powerful vehicle through which Club staff can help meet the special character development needs of younger adolescents at a critical stage in their life. Members learn to elect officers and work together to implement activities in four areas: service to the Club and community; education; health and fitness; and social recreation.

Is a unique leadership development experience providing opportunities for young people ages 14-18. Youth participate, both in and out of the Club, in activities in three focus areas: academic success, career preparation and community service. With the guidance of an adult advisor, the Club aims to have a positive impact on members, the Club and the community.

Money Matters
Promotes financial responsibility and independence among Club members ages 13-18. Members learn how to manage a checking account, create a budget, save and invest, start small businesses and pay for college.
Healthy Lifestyles
Our clubs provide multiple ways for kids of all ages to engage in fitness activities and learn about basic nutrition and healthy eating. There is a real emphasis on teaching good decision-making skills. Young people who develop healthy eating and exercise habits during their childhood and adolescence are more likely to maintain these habits.

Healthy Habits
Is designed to incorporate healthy living and active learning in every part of the Club experience. The program emphasizes good nutrition, regular physical activity and improving overall well-being.

Teaches Internet safety skills through engaging multimedia activities and offline interaction with Club professionals. Topics include personal safety, shopping safety and ethical use of the Internet.

Passport to Manhood
Club boys 11-14 learn an aspect of character and manhood through highly interactive activities. The program includes a service project where boys learn the importance of giving back to the community.

S.M.A.R.T. Girls
Is a health, fitness, prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program for girls ages 8-17. The program is designed to encourage healthy attitudes and lifestyles that will enable early adolescent girls to develop to their full potential.

S.M.A.R.T. Moves
Uses a team approach involving Club staff, peer leaders, parents and community representatives. The program teaches young people ages 6-15 how to say no by involving them in discussion and role-playing, practicing resistance and refusal skills, developing assertiveness, strengthening decision-making skills and analyzing media and peer influence.

Triple Play
Comprehensive health and wellness program, strives to improve the overall health of Club members ages 6-18 by increasing their daily physical activity, teaching them good nutrition and helping them develop healthy relationships.